Sunday, April 26, 2020

We need to stop running

The news is getting to me.  Yesterday,  I saw a study from the WHO that stated there is no conclusive evidence that people are immune after an initial infection with covid-19.  My Facebook feed is filled with gallows humor about the latest monstrous lie coming out of the White House (that we can use disinfectant on sick people's blood).  I have read many long-form articles about the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1919 and, in particular, the virulent resurgence the following Fall and Winter.  Then there are the individual posts carping on State governments couched in familiar narratives of government overreach and "fake news."

I am also noting a thinning of posts about sour bread starters, inventive homeschool strategies, or poems about how the birds are singing again and nature is resting.

There are lots more people admitting that their kids are restless and unruly, that it is actually impossible to work and homeschool at the same time, and that people miss their grandchildren or grandparents.

Here in Ontario and in Michigan (where my attention habitually returns) there are indications that some of the social distancing rules will be lifted at the end of May.  That is still quite a ways off and we will still be encountering a near future where the summer festivals have been cancelled, where the baseball stadiums are silent, summer camps are offering online offerings, and it is even unclear whether we will be even able to enjoy the beaches or parks.

What should we do?

It reminds me a bit of a misadventure I had once when I was in living in London-- I went out for a jog and just as I thought that I was almost finished... I discovered that I was actually incredibly lost.  Right away I knew that I needed to stop running-- and it was a good thing that I did because I ended up being lost for three hours in the byzantine maze of post war suburban houses (too early in the morning to ask for directions).

I don't know what needs to be done right now, but I do know that we all need to stop running ...

... and maybe be a bit more creative than I was all those years ago in actually finding our collective bearings.

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